Facade of Riga’s St Peter’s Church, Skārņu Street 19
The video projection Grain of Nordic Salt uses the grain of salt as a metaphor in a poetic form. This installation seeks inspiration in all forms of expression; image (visual arts), sound (music), movement (dance) and word (poetry) by combining them in a single art piece on the facade of Rīgas Svētā Pētera baznīca. In addition to the specially designed visual elements, the Grain of Nordic Salt projection also utilize contemporary dance elements performed by Simone Grøtte and Marianne Haugli, and the poetry of Norway’s renowned poet Olav H. Hague. Simultaneously, the installation pays homage to the Nordic spirit, using music from Norwegian contemporary composers Arve Henriksen and Jan Bang.
Project execution: Anastasia Isachsen (Norway)
Project sponsors: Riga City Council, Rīga 2014 Foundation, EEA/Norwegian Financial Mechanism in Latvia, Association of Riga Municipal Cultural Institution