Name of the project: Experience of Extraterrestrial Origin
Place: Jekab’s Square
Among the ancient patterns symbols of Sun, Moon, stars and God can be found. The symbols represent the visually glorious, complex cosmic phenomena and natural processes in a stylized two-dimensional form, such as tartan, or three-dimensional form, such as straw cluster.
People nowadays have opportunities, technology and knowledge to depict the information and symbols differently and more widely, creating new correlations and associations leading to esthetic enjoyment, new spiritual experiences and discoveries.
The installation, which is based on an ethnographic sign, is made in a spatial form of digital straw cluster joined with parabolic light elements (pixels) which come together to create a spherical solar symbol. The symbol of the Sun consisting of spatial pixels is raised above the heads of spectators and magically contrasts with the sky. The supernatural extraterrestrial body has briefly landed among people to bring an unexpected message of our common cultural past and prospective future.
Project creator and implementer: Krists Pudzens
Project sponsor: The Riga City Council
Project partners: Design and Interior Advice Bureau Ltd.