Location: The car park between Peldu and Mārstaļu streets
In this seemingly simple poem from a sleepless night, the seminal character faces a sad paradox – it seems that the creative spirit has the power to create his own world, and with the help of this world, heal the existential sorrows that trample down all people.
However, the newly created world suddenly seems sad and lonely. It is finished, complete. It lacks a future, the chance to create new things of value that are alive, tangible, fragrant (frost flames in the garden).
Having created his own world, the artist feels lonely there and takes off, to be with nature and people that are waiting for him…in essence it is the same disappointment and loneliness, because the creation of his own world is the artist’s only escape and course of action.
The artist’s path is one of unending traffic between reality and his own world. In this case, a two-dimensional projected world shown on a plastered wall strives to meet with the real, 3 (or 4 🙂 dimensional world.
Poetry Author – Andris Akmentiņš. Music Author – Ernests Ansons
Project Idea Author: Māris Kalve
Project Implementation: NA Company
Cooperation Partner: Studio Kalve
Vote for the best light object of the Festival!
If you think this object is the best – send STARO36 to telephone number 1188.
Cost per SMS – at the usual rate charged for an SMS by your mobile phone operator.
Voting commences at 18.00 on 18th November and closes at 23.00 on 21st November.
Vote on the DELFI portal in the special “Staro Rīga” news section
Voting starts on the 18th November at 18.00 and finishes at 24.00 on the 25th November.