Uguns skulptūru ansamblis RĪGAS DZIESMA
Name of the project: Fire sculpture ensemble SONG OF RIGA
Place: Riga City Canal opposite the Bastejkalns
Time: November 18, from 18:00.
Sculptural objects will be created by artists Kārlis Īle, Agnese Rūdzīte, Maija Puncule, Agita Šteinberga, Jānis Noviks, Rihards Ābeltiņš, Lauris Vītoliņš, Edgars Kvjatkovskis, as well as the students of Latvian Academy of Arts.
SONG OF RIGA is the first pilot project of the World Fire Sculpture Festival Magic Fire Riga in 2014.
Authors of the project: Artists’ Union of Latvia, SIA Rain Project, the Latvian Academy of Arts.
Project implementer: Artists’ Union of Latvia, SIA Rain Project.
Project sponsor: Riga City Council, Artists’ Union of Latvia, SIA Rain Project.
Project partners: Latvian Academy of Arts.