Location: Pēterbaznīcas Street
And, He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it and gave unto them, saying: “This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.” Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.” [Luke Ev. 22:19-20]
Leonardo Da Vinči’s “Last Supper” painted in 1498, is one of the most famous works of art in the history of mankind, which from its moment of creation until today has made a great contribution to the history of art and lives today as part of our cultural heritage.
The concept of “electricity” was already being researched in the 17th century, but one of the most significant discoveries was Thomas Alva Edison’s invention of electric light using a carbon filament. This achievement took place in 1879.
Two masterpieces from the past are combined in this project – a work of art and a discovery in physics, creating a new interpretation of them.
On this wonderful Festival evening it will be possible to record your impressions in a very interesting way.
Project idea author: Anna Rozenfelde
Project constructors and sponsors: Anna Rozenfelde and Toms Rozenfelds
Vote for the best light object of the Festival!
If you think this object is the best – send STARO28 to telephone number 1188.
Cost per SMS – at the usual rate charged for an SMS by your mobile phone operator.
Voting commences at 18.00 on 18th November and closes at 23.00 on 21st November.
Vote on the DELFI portal in the special “Staro Rīga” news section
Voting starts on the 18th November at 18.00 and finishes at 24.00 on the 25th November.