Location: “Origo” Shopping Centre, Station Clock
This year is noteworthy in the life of Rīga with a number of important things – the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree marks its 500th year, whereas the Station Clock marks its 45 year anniversary.
Today in the very centre of Rīga – like a pulsating, curious and eternally young city heart – the tallest Christmas tree at 36 metres in height decorates the city. Like a beacon in the heart of the city, located on the intersection of important city streets, a symbol of the city of today. The Origo Clock Tower, like a city beacon, honours centuries’ long Christmas traditions.
The lighting installation has an asymmetrical form. Like a pictogram it encompasses the passing of time and creates a unified framework for reflecting the city’s events. The semantic passage of time on the clock makes each of us follow the events and the colour of city life, just like the “Origo” Shopping Centre itself follows the times.
The battle of two forces – and the victory of light over dark – is reflected in the unique Lielvārde Belt’s pattern motifs on the Origo building. Such well known symbols as the sun sign, cross of light and the Jumis are joined in an artistic intuitive vision, creating traditional values in a modern interpretation.
Project idea author and constructor: “Origo” Shopping Centre
Cooperation partners: Rīga City Council, Rīga Tourism Development Bureau, SIA “Goleks Ltd.”
Project sponsor: “Origo” Shopping Centre
Vote for the best light object of the Festival!
If you think this object is the best – send STARO44 to telephone number 1188.
Cost per SMS – at the usual rate charged for an SMS by your mobile phone operator.
Voting commences at 18.00 on 18th November and closes at 23.00 on 21st November.
Vote on the DELFI portal in the special “Staro Rīga” news section
Voting starts on the 18th November at 18.00 and finishes at 24.00 on the 25th November.