Location: Līvu Square
The M.Chekhov Rīga Russian Theatre’s main building at Kaļķu Street 16 was built in 1880 to the design of architect Reinhold Schmaeling’
Historically, it has been used for the holding of cultural and art events. Even at the time when the “Uļej” Merchants Association used the building for its needs, social balls, theatre and concert performances often took place in the building’s large spaces.
Since 1939, the ornate building at Kaļķu Street 16 has been the home of the M.Chekhov Rīga Russian Theatre. It is the oldest Russian theatre operating outside Russia’s borders. This year the theatre troupe will start its 128th season here.
In 1996, responsibility for the property at Kaļķu Street 16 was assumed by the Rīga City Council. At the end of the same year a decision was made to undertake a complete reconstruction of the theatre building.
Respecting the theatre’s work, the character of the Vecrīga city environment and the building’s architectural value, less than three years after the Rīga City Council’s Property Department’s commission, a complete reconstruction and restoration of the building complex was completed.
In the summer of 2010, all restoration work was completed and on the 24th September the formal opening of the theatre building took place.
The M.Chekhov Rīga Russian Theatre building complex is an art monument of national significance, which is on the territory of the UNESCO World, Environment and Cultural Heritage site, Rīga’s Historic Centre.
The building was the last in Līvu square to be renovated.
Project sponsor: Rīga City Council
Technical project author – GRAF X Architect Bureau.
Reconstruction and restoration work general contractor – RE&RE Construction Company.
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