Location: Zaķusala
Reflecting in the waters of the right bank of the Daugava, the illuminated symbol telecast by Latvia’s Community Television building will again be a pretender to being the largest improvised Latvia flag…
In the 90th Anniversary Year of the Republic of Latvia, when Rīga lit up for the first time, the LTV building’s 20 storey high flag painted in coloured lights gained first place in internet voting. From that moment the draping of Latvian Television in the national colours has become a tradition: our building beams not only during the celebrations of the nation’s birthday in November, but also on the anniversary of the renewal of its independence on the 4th of May.
This year as well, in lighting up for Latvia, of all of the Festival of Light “Staro Rīga” objects, Latvian Television will rise over Rīga, becoming a part of a wonderful symphony of light. Those whose gaze lingers on the near or further horizon won’t be able to miss it: nothing in nature can move faster than light!
For its part, the creative team from Latvian Television, the broadcasting carousel for the many celebrations, will make sure that the splendour of the national celebrations and the “Staro Rīga” Festival can also be enjoyed by those residents of Latvia and visitors, who are unable to visit the capital city during the celebrations on the 18th November.
Project idea author and constructor: Latvian Television.
Vote for the best light object of the Festival!
If you think this object is the best – send STAR070 to telephone number 1188.
Cost per SMS – at the usual rate charged for an SMS by your mobile phone operator.
Voting commences at 18.00 on 18th November and closes at 23.00 on 21st November.
Vote on the DELFI portal in the special “Staro Rīga” news section
Voting starts on the 18th November at 18.00 and finishes at 24.00 on the 25th November.