Name of the project: STORIES OF JĒKABA STREET
Place: Parliament building, 11 Jēkaba Street
Jēkaba Street has witnessed the most decisive events in Latvian history. It has witnessed the exultation and songs on 4 May 1990 as the people were congratulating members of the Supreme Council, who adopted the Latvian Declaration of Independence, and barricades in the cold days of January 1991, as the defenders of the Saeima building were warmed by faith and bonfires. Also notable were the days of August 1991 as the historical decision to restore the Latvian independence de facto was adopted at the Saeima, followed by international recognition of our country’s independence.
While celebrating the birthday of Latvia, we invite you to look at the festive decorations of the Saeima building and recall the stories of Jēkaba Street.
Project creator: Saeima
Project implementer: SIA Alfa SLS
Project sponsor: Saeima Chancellery