Illuminātu taka. VOX POPULI-VOX DEI (Tautas balss – Dieva balss)
Interactive Kinect video projection
The facade of Mentzendorff’s House (Mencendorfa nams), Grēcinieku iela 18
You have before you an ocean of values from which you can catch the one nearest to you. Which one will you choose? Take part in this interactive projection and you will become a player in the Kinect fishing game.
Vox populi – Vox Dei is the first stop on the the Illuminati path in their mission to save the world.
Detailed map at www.3ddienas.lv
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Project concept: Dmitry Shchegolyev
Project implemented by Vizuālās Kultūras Klubs society, SIA Parus Studio
Project sponsor: Riga City Council, SIA Parus Studio
Project partners: SIA Parus Studio; 3Ddienas.lv; 3Zivis bistro; LG Electronics Latvia; Fujifilm Latvija; IZZI; 2C