ĒNO GAISMU PATS! Staro Rīga, Staro RTU!
Light installation and shadow projections
Riga Technical University (RTU) facade and courtyard, Kaļķu iela 1
Dancers, a brass band and actors – members of the RTU folklore collective, will present Riga residents and visitors with a theatrical musical shadow play as a tribute to Riga Technical University on its 150th anniversary.
[photosmash id=30]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37nE8TFSc1ghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pcVZNshR7o
Project concept: Kristīne Gulbe
Project implemented by SIA GG Party
Project sponsor: Riga City Council, SIA GG Party
Project partner: Riga Technical University Students’ Club