Name of the project: BALTCOM PHONOSCOPE
Place: 9 Skārņu Street
The German genius Richard Wagner worked and lived in Riga in the mid 19th century. He conducted the orchestra and went on walks around the city in the evenings. Once, he got to Skārņu Street. He did not think about the Valkyrie at the time, but judging by the stories, Wagner has had more than a few flights during his time in Riga, and they continue to vibrate in the air for the next couple of centuries.
November 2011. Residents of Riga are going to look for the light. The flight Wagner has once left in Riga can be heard in the background and the Phonoscope stands ever so proudly.
Say your name into the Phonoscope and look what happens … your voice will turn into a melody, light and colors!
Project creator and implementer: Society I DID IT
Project sponsor: Riga City Council, SIA Baltcom TV
Project partners: SIA Baltcom TV