Location: Republikas Square 2a
The labyrinth is one of mankind’s archetypes. Labyrinths, the oldest gouged out of stone, others created from turf covered ramparts or from stones, are many thousands of years old and can be encountered in many parts of the world. In ancient culture the best known are the labyrinths in the Egyptian pyramids and at the Palace of Minos on the island of Crete.
“Kompānija NA” lighting specialist Ivars Vācers offers his version of a “light labyrinth” – an environmental game where you search for the path to light.
The labyrinth is built of metal constructions with light wall panels, with 4 entrances and one exit in the centre at the highest level, where lanterns of various colours seem to be trying to show the way to the exit, but the right path has to be found on the basis of intuition. Will this light labyrinth be a simple test – it’s only possible to find out by going through this “path to light”.
The “On the Path to Light” object’s supporter is the “Citadele Bank” and the object has been created at the bank’s central building. The Bank’s central building is located on the banks of the Daugava, next to the Old Town. It’s unified architectural and design solution organically unites the city’s historical and futuristic visual silhouettes. The aim of the building’s design concept was to create a balance between the four zeppelin hangars at the Central Market on the right side of Vecrīga and the four Citadele Bank’s office buildings on the left side of Vecrīga.
The Bank building is one of the most modern office buildings in the Baltic area, as the latest technology ensures the bank’s economic, environmentally and health friendly maintenance. For this reason the building has been honoured in a number of competitions – in the “Rīga Architecture 2010 Annual Award” event it gained the recognition of architects, with the Rīga City’s Chief Architect Jānis Dripe praising the technology, detailing and colours used in it very highly. Earlier, in the “Best Building of the Year in Latvia 2009” display organized by the Latvian Builders Association, the bank building was recognized as one of the best buildings in 2009, taking second place in the “New Building” category.
Project idea author and constructor: “Kompānija NA”
Cooperation partner: Citadele Bank
Project sponsor: Rīga City Council
Vote for the best light object of the Festival!
If you think this object is the best – send STAR011 to telephone number 1188.
Cost per SMS – at the usual rate charged for an SMS by your mobile phone operator.
Voting commences at 18.00 on 18th November and closes at 23.00 on 21st November.
Vote on the DELFI portal in the special “Staro Rīga” news section
Voting starts on the 18th November at 18.00 and finishes at 24.00 on the 25th November.