Berga Bazārs courtyard
Marijas Street 13/3
In preparation for its 25th birthday, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia invites visitors of the light festival “Staro Rīga 2015” to experience the wonder of the aurora documented by Norwegian photographer Kjetil Skogli. The aurora is perceived by the Northern people to be associated with snow storms risen from the wag of a foxes tail, heavenly gates, warriors fighting unending battles or dancing old maids. Each evening at 19:30 and 20:30 during the video installation, the best choirs of Riga will perform the world-famous composition “Zvaigznes” (“Stars”) by Ēriks Ešenvalds while simultaneously playing glass harp.
Authors and implementers of the object: Kjetil Skogli, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Renārs Vimba, Dainis Juraga, Uģis Ezerietis, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia.