Rāmer Tower
Torņa Street 4
Liepāja city is known for its swift winds and it always welcomes its visitors to let the wind cleanse them – by the sea, in the streets of the old town or just the opposite – enjoy art events in a calm environment that inspires and fills the mind with fresh air and opens new horizons. Liepāja will bring the essence of these fresh and warm feelings for a few days in the very heart of Riga – the Old Riga – and will tempt everyone to join a stormy carousel of events on a beach plank-way installation, transforming summer feelings into an autumn reality.
Inspiration, feelings, emotions, adventure – these are the key words that characterise the installation “Attention – Wind!”.
Authors and implementers of the object: Liepāja City Council, Kristaps Štobis, Mārtiņš Feldmanis, Jānis Strazds